Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bring a friend to my session?

Of course! I want you to be as comfortable as possible, so bring whoever you would like with you. (They must be 18 years or older)

How long till I get my photos back?

Depending on the time of year, and what kind of package you bought, your photo gallery should be ready between one and three weeks.

I do offer a 3 day editing rush option for $150.

Do I have to get nude?

Absolutely not! That is completely up to you. You don’t even have to wear lingerie if you don’t want to! If you need ideas on what to wear, just contact me and I will help you out. I also have a small, but growing client closet to choose from.

Do you edit out stretch marks/Can you make me thinner?

I try to get your very best angles so that we don’t have to manipulate the photos that much. But some angles and lighting show more “flaw's” than others, no matter who we are. We would never want you to look like someone other than yourself. I do however eliminate unflattering “bulges”, acne, and if asked, stretch marks.

Can I use a studio? Do you offer outdoor/location sessions?

I offer all of that! Studio, outdoor, and location. If you would like to use a studio space, please let me know ahead of time. I also ask ALOT of pre-session questions to get the right idea of what kind of photos you’re looking for. We can find the perfect spot for you!

Are my photos going to be posted online?

When you go through your finished photo gallery, please let me know what photos, if any, you would not like posted to our online portfolio. I have many clients who do some anonymous shots during their session too where their face isn’t showing.